
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Algebra, Quality never goes out of style

A is for Ardent, fiery passion
L is for Leader, where you go others will follow
G is for Gentle, tender and soothing
E is for Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
B is for Benevolent, showing kindness unto others
R is for Radical, overthrowing norms
A is for Analytical, breaking down problems simply

Q is for Quintessential, the epitome of awesomeness
U is for Unique, you're one of a kind
A is for Admirable, commanding our respect
L is for Laudable, your accomplishments are most commendable
I is for Intelligent, quick-witted
T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold
Y is for Yummy, so delectable

N is for Nice, a sweet soul
E is for Endearing, so loveable
V is for Versed, so knowledgeable
E is for Efficient, succeeding at tasks
R is for Refreshing, stimulating company

G is for Goofy, totally wacky
O is for Outstanding, excelling beyond others
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
S is for Satisfying, most excellent company

O is for Optimistic, ever upbeat
U is for Unforgettable, you leave a deep impression
T is for Tender, a gentle soul

O is for Obliging, willing to accommodate
F is for Frank, honest and forthcoming

S is for Smart, a keen intellect
T is for Talented, gifted with ability
Y is for Youth, eternally young at heart
L is for Laidback, you have a relaxed charm
E is for Elegant, of refined style 


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